Twirl and Take a Bow Party
Hi, Everyone! For those of you who are new to the party, my name is Brooke and I bog over at I'd love for you to come visit me sometime, along with all of the other ladies who put on this great party each week!

Can you believe that the 4th of July is this week??? This year is flying by so quickly! Do you do anything special for the 4th? My favorite memories of the holiday were spending my summers right after college at my grandparents' house with my older brothers and their families. We'd cook out, shoot fireworks (it was in South Carolina, so we were able to get the good ones!), of all...have a Wiffle Ball Homerun Derby. And I'd win every time. Nothing like beating your big brothers at sports while their wives and kids watch.
You guys linked up some amazing projects and posts this past week, as always. I wish that you knew how hard it is for us to pick features! This week, in honor of Independence Day, I picked a few of your Patriotic projects and posts. Again, there were so many good ones that it was really difficult to choose!