Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Twirl and Take a Bow
Come and Get it!

Summertime around here means sleeping in, lounging around reading books and sending the kids off to day camp or going to the beach at the lake.

And the last thing the hubs or I want to do is think about dinner. If my oldest had his way, he would eat Mac n' Cheese every night. 

Let's make a few miner adjustments to that idea, shall we?

This week I put together a virtual meal plan for me you from last week's amazing links.

We’re talking main course, side dish, salad, drink and dessert. All you need to do is make it and then yell “Come and get it!"

Happy Dinner!

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This Week's Top Picks

Life is short...start with dessert!
Brownie Cheesecake by Crafty Wife

Main Dish...I bet this would be good grilled too.
Soy Sauce and Indian Spices Marinated Baked Chicken Legs 
from At the Corner of Happy and Harried

First Side....Love me some pasta salad

Second Side....Tequillaberry Salad {can we say yum?}

And always remember to hydrate, especially with this special drink!
Frozen Watermelon Lemonade from Gator Mommy Reviews

Now, it's time to link up your latest and greatest, and Twirl & Take a Bow!

Take a moment and visit all six co-hosts of the party~

House on the Way, Déjà Vue Designs, All Things Heart and Home, Designed by BH,Art is Beauty and A Few Miner Adjustments.

You'll be glad you did!

If you were featured, be sure to grab a button!

House on the Way

Now let’s party…..

Twirl & Take a Bow Party

*We would love for you to follow us!
*You must link directly to your post.
*In order to be featured, you must link back to one of the host blogs using a link or my button found on their sidebar.
*Only home decor & design related crafts, DIY, how-to’s, decorating tips, recipes, etc. You get the idea!
*Visit one other party link. Share the love and the inspiration!
*No links to shops, Etsy or giveaways.
*By linking up your post, you are giving House on the Way, A Few Miner Adjustments, All Things Heart and Home, Deja Vue Designs, Designed by BH and Art is Beauty permission to use a picture as a feature on their blog and other social media outlets.

Each week we will also be featuring a few outstanding inspirations from the week before.

Twirl & Take a Bow

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thanks a bunch for featuring my baked chicken legs recipe!

    1. You are so welcome! That dish looks so yummy!

  2. Anytime! Glad you stopped by!


Hello, fabulous friends!

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