Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why do You Run?

Great Grandma Helen’s Chocolate Syrup

Have I mentioned that my husband is a marathon runner?

He probably wouldn't tell you himself unless it came up in conversation. He is too humble for that. This accomplishment is one of the many things that I love about him.

His reason for running....

"...because I can".

And if you ask me if I will be joining him in this personal journey of new distances and times beat, my reply will be…

“I only run if it's raining or I am being chased”.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Twirl and Take a Bow

It is getting cold again...oh was never warm. We are wishing and hoping though.

I bought some flowers last week to do a little project. I never buy flowers, but they sure did smell like spring. Made the house feel alive for a few days.

And since we are still stuck inside {still}, let's grab a hot cup of cocoa and look at some fabulous projects that Tammy picked!

Enjoy the party!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It feels so good to be here today! 

My computer had a pretty substantial virus last week, so I wasn't able to do anything. I felt so disconnected.

I am so thankful for my hubby for fixing it {give that tech guy a raise}

The computer isn't totally put back together, but at least I didn't lose any photos or blog posts. That is a huge relief! 

Lesson Learned: Back everything up on an external hard-drive....often.

And now that I am back I had a fun time looking through all the excellent links from last week’s party! Good thing it wasn't my turn to pick the features. Thanks, Robin for finding some great inspiration for us this week!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Themed Pins vs. Themed Sweaters

I may have mentioned this day I teach elementary students.

And it seems like there are many themed sweaters out there amongst elementary teachers. 

Thanksgiving, Christmas, even Valentines... you name it... I've seen it.

My dad teases that some day, I too, will start wearing these sweaters.

Let the record show...I am here to say...

I will never wear those sweaters.

It just isn't my style. 

I will however wear a themed pin.

My sweaters are plain everyday cardigans. My pins are fun and full of the spirit of the day.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Twirl and Take a Bow...{Because You Rock}

Welcome to another edition of Twirl and Take a Bow Tuesday!
Where you get the chance to link up to not just 1 but 6 different BLOGS!

More Hosts means MORE exposure for Y.O.U.!

Are you guys ready to PARTY???

Linky Party

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hey Girl,

                  A Valentine's Day Tribute

If you are a Pinterest addict enthusiast, then surely you have seen the "Hey Girl" quotes floating around with Ryan Gosling. They are a blast!

Here's one in case you haven't seen them...

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