Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Time I Invited Vern Yip to Dinner {and a Double Lamp Makeover}

Just like every Saturday morning, I got up, made my oatmeal with brown sugar and peanut butter toast then proceeded to read all of my email and check Facebook.

Unlike every Saturday morning, I saw that Vern Yip was in my area at a furniture store doing a meet and greet. 

I have loved Vern since Trading Spaces....remember that show? 

However, when I looked at the time of his appearance it was smack dab in the middle of my son's soccer game. 

While there are 8 soccer games a season and only one Vern Yip, there was no question that the game would win {and so did our son made the winning was amazing...I'm glad we didn't miss it}.

So without thinking, I wrote on his status update that I wished I could be there, but since I couldn't maybe he and his family could come to my house for dinner, so we could talk design and kitchens.

Then I walked away from the computer thinking...

"He is going to think you are a crazy stalker".

I stayed away from the computer for all of 5 minutes before I had to check to see if there was a response.

This is nuts, I thought. Of course he can't come to dinner. What would I even make? 

Reservations...that's what!

No response yet, but I did a quick clean know...just in case.

After all we had to leave for a soccer game in the middle of the day. When else would there be time?

And while I waited....refreshing my screening a few {hundred} times...I put together my photos for this double makeover.

It was a free lamp from one of my favorite neighbor friends. It had good bones, but also had a cheap brassy finish.

I spray painted it aqua and for a nano second I loved the color.

The thing of it was, I couldn't find a lamp shade that looked good on it. And then this color started to look cheap to me too.

So I sprayed it again {well 3 more times}....bold and black. Just a few miner big deal.

It was easy.
Kind of like Facebooking Vern Yip.

He never did come to dinner or even really respond.

But he did give me the thumbs up on my post, so at least he read it.

That made my day....
 just like my bold, black lamp!

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  1. You get an A+ for all your choices.....the invite, the soccer game, and the lamp make over. I love it! I also love the vintage suit case. But I have to ask what would you have prepared for dinner if he accepted the must have been on your mind all day? I would have made "Lobster Macaroni and Cheese", elegant but still comfort food.

    1. Thank you, Diane! The vintage suitcase was from my mom...I think it was my great grandmas. Can you imagine that is all they packed for a trip? I did rack my brain for a meal. All that was in my freezer was chicken or burger. So I think I would have called the nearest restaurant to see what they had to offer.

  2. LOL! You are amazing! I would have invited him and Hildy :)

    Have a great day rock star!

    1. Thank you Karianne! Hilary would have been a hoot! I miss that show.

  3. WOW, that turned out great!!

  4. Oh my gosh... I probably would've fainted if he had accepted a dinner invitation! The lamp came out fantastic. Black was a much better choice.

    1. Thanks, Lani! I think I would have had a heart attack if he accepted. To be totally honest, I panicked a little after I pushed send to the post.

  5. ROFL. I'd have left town if someone like Vern came to my house... out of embarrassment! What kind of host would I make??

    Love the lamp. :)

    1. Donna, you would make a great host! I figured, what do I have to lose by asking. He was only 45 minutes away from where I live. That is a super quick drive up the highway. I was stressed about the food part though. Well and the 2 very active boys that run around here! Ha!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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